The SDG16 Data Initiative is a collective project by a consortium of organisations seeking to support the open tracking of the global commitments made by more than 194 countries on peace, justice, and strong institutions.
The initiative aims to complement the current efforts underway to develop an official indicator framework for monitoring the SDGs. The Inter-agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) has identified 23 global indicators under SDG16’s 12 targets. It is intended that national statistical systems will eventually produce the majority of the data for these indicators. The UN Statistical System and other global organizations will then collate this official data at the global level.
However, official data availability and coverage is currently limited and it may take years to develop capacities and to collect data for official monitoring through official statistical systems. In the interim, we should draw on available data to help countries get started with monitoring SDG16.
The SDG16 Data Initiative, formed by a group of organisations with expertise in these areas, aims to fill this role. The initiative is an attempt to pull together data sets in an open format to track SDG16 and provide a snapshot of the current situation, and eventually progress over time. To this end, we include both global and complementary indicators, presented with official and unofficial data. The process also seeks to identify potential challenges in data quality, availability, and coverage that need to be addressed.
How can we improve the Initiative? Did we get something wrong? Have we missed something? Please send your thoughts to
“We the People’s” are the celebrated opening words of the UN Charter. It is “We the People’s” who are embarking today on the road to 2030. Our journey will involve Governments as well as Parliaments, the UN system and other international institutions, local authorities, indigenous peoples, civil society, business and the private sector, the scientific and academic community – and all people. Millions have already engaged with, and will own, this Agenda. It is an Agenda of the people, by the people, and for the people – and this, we believe, will ensure its success.” - Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
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