Hiring role definition
Current responsible: Rotational
Liaising with P&C about BE team’s hiring needs - contacting P&C ahead of time, updating on BE decisions
Responsibility to be shared with Capacity role
Facilitating discussions about hiring needs in the BE SMO meetings
Responsibility to be shared with Capacity, Strategy and Mentorship Coordination roles
- Distributing tasks: reviewing candidates, attending interviews
Collaborating with P&C on job ads text
Responsibility to be shared with Capacity, Strategy roles
Preparing candidate profile descriptions for outsourcing needs
Responsibility to be shared with Capacity Role
- Reduce administrative burden on the BE team
- Improve timeliness of starting hiring processes
Decision making
- New hire specification adopted through consent within the BE FA, with advice from P&C and execs
- Decision on hiring made through consent within the BE FA
- The role can autonomously make suggestions and small decisions on wording of job ad, in the interest of saving others’ time, having previously understood the needs