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How to create initiatives

What’s the value of defining an initiative?

Having a common agreement on how to define and run initiatives would lead us to a better understanding on where we are and where we aim to be (simplifying direction) and to understand who is doing what (accountability).

Taking the time to reflect and refine, through advice, the actions that we want to undertake as a group, could increase the feeling of belonging in the team as everyone would be aware of the path we are walking.

Find here an initiative template that could help you get started with a proposal.

These are the context and steps that would make a clear proposal 👇

Define (Role)

Every initiative needs to define the responsibilities of the people leading it. What they expect are gonna be the outcomes/impact of this initiative and which would be the decission making rights of the persons leading the initiative.

The defined roles for the active initiatives would be available on the Roles section of current year strategy.

Experiment (Proposal)

A set of goals need to be defined. What we want to tackle through this initiative, what’s the need that wants to be fullfilled.

Experiments need to have a defined timeframe in which they will happen to be able to reflect/assess afterwards and reiterate in case it is needed.

Proposal responsibles need to define the activities they need/plan to undertake in order to achive the initiative goals.

Communicate and Reflect (Retrospective)

Outcomes (Guidelines)

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