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Welcome to vizzuality

Hello and welcome to vizzuality and the front end team!

We are happy to have you on board and this document will explain in short what will be your next steps + some useful links to documentation and other goodies.

This site contains all of the information related to our front end functional area, as in meeting notes, research documentation.

How we work

We are a self organized team, this means that we design our own strategy. Our current strategy can be found here. Within vizzuality we call this functional areas. There are other functional areas that will be useful for you to know about, and they can be found here.

We don’t work in silos and communicate with the other functional areas to align on work/vision/allocation & other important areas.

Within all functional areas you will have some designated roles, this is true for front end as well. You can see our current roles here. If you are interested in helping the person assigned to this role, reach out to them!

These roles can change, and we/you might find another area we can improve as a team. If you want to explore or create a new role there is a role template here that is global for every functional area. If this is not clear, reach out to either Sebastian or any other person in the front end team who has gone through creating a role.

Team meetings

Allocation meeting

Every tuesday we have a team allocation meeting, where we bring up allocation needs. Maria in our team goes to the vizzuality functional area allocation meeting and brings concerns to other functional areas if we are in need of more people or lacking resources for projects. Maria then gives our front end team an update on new projects or extended contracts that is in need of front end.


Is another meeting we have every friday. This is a relaxed meeting where you can share any cool technology you’re exploring, problems you’re phasing in your projects, or simply just chat with the team. This is a space where we as a team just wants to have fun. The agenda is posted in our frontismos slack channel, you can comment there if you have anything you want to discuss with the team.

More information about our recurring meetings can be found here.

Peer programming sessions

Every week you will get one random front end colleague assigned with you, you get one hour to code/discuss anything you want, you can decide any time in the week to perform this session. this will be announced on the frontismos slack channel.

Your first day

You will get a buddy assigned to you within the team that will be there for you for any questions or concerns you might have. There are a few things that needs to happen:

  1. A computer will be provided to you by vizzuality
  2. An vizzuality email will be given to you so you.
  3. Access to all required services should be given to you. Some services might be set up later, otherwise ask your buddy to help you.
    • bamboo
    • slack
    • github
    • calendar
  4. Join frontismos channel (our main slack channel)

Your first week

Front end team kickoff meeting

When you join there will be a calendar invite to a front end kickoff meeting, where you will get to meet everyone in the front end team. This will be an open meeting where everyone gets to know you, and you get to know us and what each of us are currently working on in vizzuality.

Project onboarding

The team will during our internal allocation meeting have assigned you to a project that you will be part of for your first months. And someone within the front end team will be working with you on this project. You will also have a meeting booked to get onboarded and get to know the other people on this project.