2021 Strategy
To engage and guide the team in a collaborative process of Strategy definition
Responsible | David Inga & Javi Abia |
Start date | 2020-12-01 |
End date | 2021-03-31 |
Status | 🟢 ongoing |
- Facilitate strategy conversation inside and outside the team
- Align team initiatives to the current strategies (team, FAs and company wise).
- Communicate and make explicit the strategy (to the team and to the company)
- Take care and follow the progress of the current strategy.
- We have a Strategy for 2021
- Everyone in the FE team is aware of the Strategy and is able to connect their day to day work with it.
- Elaborate strategy document
- Current initiatives are incorporated within the wider FE Strategy
- As much as possible, and when applicable, our strategy aligns with other FAs (ie Back End)
- Other areas understand our main priorities for the next period.
- Our FE Strategy is constantly being updated and refined as a reflection of changes in the team and Vizz.
- We can measure progress on strategic initiatives and find ways to improve.
Decision making:
- Following consultation and advice with the FE team, and making sure all objections are heard, have the final call on strategy definition.
- Provide the team with the tools (documents, data…) to make an informed decision on the definition of the strategy.
- Decide when/how to engage and communicate with other FA/Teams
- Following consultation with the team, define a date and schedule a strategy review session
What do you propose we try?
- Get info from the team through 1x1 conversations, it will require an interview template, that will be shared with the team beforehand. (Dec-Jan)
- Start conversation with other functional areas (Jan)
- Process the data from the conversations (Feb 15th).
- Elaborate a draft and present it to the team (15th march).
- If concerns are raised elaborate a second draft (end of March)
- 1st Strategy FE (End March)
What do you need to make it happen?
Until the end of March 2021, we will need:
- Alignment with Community growth initiative (1 hour x 4 people)
- Recap past company strategies initiatives info (4 hours)
- Design an interview template. (3 hours)
- Interviews (15 hours) including team and other FAs
- Process the data. (8 hours)
- We would need some external aid to refine both the template and data processing. (2 hours).
- Get togethers and updating the team (3 hours)
- Write first draft (2 days session)
- Refinement and final document (1 day session)
Follow up and evolution?
- Every update will be communicated to the team via Slack and frontismos repository
- Monthly retrospective about strategy progress (1 hour meeting): also solve doubts and define actions aligned to the strategy
- Retrospective: March
Decision log
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Dolor laborum aliquip dolor id minim id laborum ex duis voluptate eiusmod. Aute tempor ad culpa irure ex. Esse eu non proident sit eiusmod esse Lorem velit excepteur. Sit incididunt sunt culpa magna officia.
Retrospective notes
Non cupidatat irure adipisicing duis labore deserunt cupidatat duis id exercitation consequat. Commodo elit enim proident culpa. Ex ipsum ea ad pariatur eu pariatur nisi in. Sunt dolore ipsum commodo do aliquip eiusmod mollit.