Title of the initiative
Small description and context
Responsible | The who |
Start date | 2021-03-12 |
End date | 2021-12-31 |
Status | 🟢 ongoing |
day to day tasks
How do I know I am doing a good job? Outcomes, contributions.
Decision making
What can I make the final call on, if anything? —
What do you propose we try?
What’s the immediate need? What’s the smallest thing we could do to move forward?, Activities and timelines?, How long will the experiment last? What will be different in a few months?
What do you need to make it happen?
Where do you have discretion and freedom to act? , Do you need time, resources, etc.? What will you have to stop doing to be able to focus on this? Who will be involved and what are they committing to?
Follow up and evolution?
How are you planning to keep the team informed about progress?, When will you conduct a retrospective to collect perspectives and learning?
Decision log
Dolor laborum aliquip dolor id minim id laborum ex duis voluptate eiusmod. Aute tempor ad culpa irure ex. Esse eu non proident sit eiusmod esse Lorem velit excepteur. Sit incididunt sunt culpa magna officia.
Dolor laborum aliquip dolor id minim id laborum ex duis voluptate eiusmod. Aute tempor ad culpa irure ex. Esse eu non proident sit eiusmod esse Lorem velit excepteur. Sit incididunt sunt culpa magna officia.
Retrospective notes
Non cupidatat irure adipisicing duis labore deserunt cupidatat duis id exercitation consequat. Commodo elit enim proident culpa. Ex ipsum ea ad pariatur eu pariatur nisi in. Sunt dolore ipsum commodo do aliquip eiusmod mollit.