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2020-01-24 Discussion about state of maps in Vizzuality and [[WebGL]] workshop


[[In House]], [[WebGL]], [[Mapping]]

  • Do we want to use zeit/now as deploy option?
  • We should prepare a [[WebGL]] workshops. Javi(@weberjavi) will start a proposal.
  • Why we use mapbox?
    • First motivation get vector tiles into the map (open sourced the vector tile spec seemed a good shot).
    • Performance: [[WebGL]], vector tiles more performant (interaction, smooth scrolling…), eventually decoding vectors for animations…
    • Why through the Layer Manager?
      • Organized
      • Config driven
      • Most of the desired interactions are there already.
    • Dependes on the data (vector, geojason) but if are images, raster maybe is not the best solution (maybe the performance is not as good as with vectors maybe leaflet (David)
  • Rodrigo estated that handling raster stuff on the GPU might be a good idea since idle time could me minor than handling rasters from the CPU
  • David will do some presentation about infrastructure and the things that we can do depending on the service (carto, mapbox)
  • Use trase hands off to identify what parts of the code needs to be shared before someone dies (David has a document)
  • Ed asks for help on GFW it seems that want to build super cool and stuff